Optimize Your Life and Your Wardrobe

November 14th, 2014 admin

I realize it is only November, but I am proud to announce that I decided to get a jumpstart on New Year’s Resolutions. I haven’t had a sip of wine or alcohol in 26 days (yes, I’m counting) and started on a clean food regimen. I feel like a million bucks , look like a million bucks, and (in the long run) will probably save a million bucks given my previous affinity to wine and wine consumption.

Judging from the conversations that I have had recently, I am not alone in my newfound focus on health and wellness. A few of my clients have recently declared a commitment to clean living in an effort to feel better, look better and address the lifestyle changes that arise when balancing motherhood, career shifts and personal goals.

For a few clients in particular, this commitment will undoubtedly result in weight loss. One of the common questions I field as a wardrobe consultant: “when does it make sense to start the shopping process?”. My answer: it really depends on how much weight you want to lose and what you currently own. In general, I recommend waiting until you are close to your goal to BUY a new wardrobe. However, I recommend that you immediately EDIT.

There is something empowering about shedding things that are weighing heavily on your psyche, and clothing doesn’t make you feel good about yourself is just as damaging as other bad habits. So get rid of anything that doesn’t suit you or your lifestyle and make room in your life for feeling great. The possibilities are endless.