Closet Conundrum – Shop For The Life You Have

March 9th, 2013 admin

I recently met with a client who needed an entirely new wardrobe. She spent the past ten years focusing on her career but her wardrobe was more college freshman than senior account executive. It was definitely time to infuse some new pieces that were both age and lifestyle appropriate. As always, the goal was to find affordable, multi-purpose pieces that could be easily mixed and matched.

I created a budgeted buy plan, focusing on categories and how she allocated her time each week. Using the “wear-it-5-ways” rule, we hit Forever21, Joe Fresh, Zara and J.Crew and picked up pieces that were easy to merchandise. In my opinion, if you can immediately identify five ways to wear something, it is a worthwhile addition to your assortment. The result: a totally functional new wardrobe for $2,000. She had outfits for work, weekend and beyond.

The moral of the story: your wardrobe should reflect your lifestyle. If you shop for the life you have, I guarantee you will feel better getting dressed and, dare I say, more excited about going to work.