Extreme Clean

March 25th, 2013 admin

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am compulsive about cleaning and organizing, mainly because I love the tangible and measurable success that comes with the territory. When I start a project I find it impossible to rest until it is completed. This year, I found Spring cleaning to be particularly liberating because it aligned with the signing of my divorce papers – HOORAY! I was very, very excited. Needless to say, I channeled this motivation into an admittedly extreme “out with the old, in with the new” purge.

I started by cleaning my closet. Using a super-critical eye, I tried on every piece of clothing that I own, inspecting the style and fit. My criteria was as follows: if I felt the item elevated the assortment, it stayed. If the item didn’t make me feel cool or sexy, it had to go. I was able to set aside 40 items for eBay, consignment and goodwill. I had this overwhelming sense of accomplishment that spilled into other parts of my highly compartmentalized life. I cleaned every square inch of my apartment, organized my calendar through September and signed up for yoga. It was a domino effect of productivity.

I have to admit…this wardrobe mass exodus felt amazing in the most non-frightening way. Freedom from excess. Liberation from things that don’t make me feel like the best possible version of myself. Now this is something I can definitely get used to.