Find Your Formula

January 15th, 2014 admin

I always get a kick out of people asking me to define my personal style in one word. It’s like asking me to describe my personality in one word – I am waaaaaay too complicated and random for that. Yet, while I prefer to avoid being labeled, I find that detailing the elements of a style with which I feel most comfortable helps me to find balance when introducing a new trend or silhouette to my repertoire.

Real time example: I just found an amazing printed jacket at Forever21. It was love at first sight even though it is unlike anything I own. For a split second I panicked because I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off but I realized that the new athletic-inspired jackets make so much more sense to me when paired with a skinny pant and a gorgeous heel because my perfect breakdown is one part fashion forward, one part classic, one part feminine.

If you are interested in mixing it up, keeping things formulaic will make it easier for you to execute a new look with confidence because you will stay within your comfort zone.  As an added bonus, you will be cultivating your personal style. In my world that is (in one word) nothing short of amazing.