Wardrobe Tip – Outfit Designation

December 4th, 2012 admin

apologies for the repost – blog was h4cked 🙁

I was recently discussing time saving techniques with a good friend of mine who is a health coach because I believe in running my home like a well-oiled machine. I can’t relax unless things are clean and organized but I was falling short in the grocery and food prep realm. I knew that this was an area in my life that needed optimization and she gave me a few really obvious yet really helpful suggestions. Resolved: more attention paid to the groceries I purchase and healthier meals prepared at the beginning of the week.

During our conversation I mentioned that this strategy was similar to how I approach my wardrobe. I take advantage of time when I am not rushed to set aside fully accessorized outfits. Then, when I don’t have the luxury of trying on several outfits before I have to run out the door, I have a pre-approved roster from which to pull.

Whether you have a toddler, a demanding career or a longer than expected commute home, more often than not life gets in the way and the 45 minutes that you need to get ready is whittled down to 5. You have to do your hair, make-up and find something to wear